Archive: Jun 2020

Niche Products Are The New Thing

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NADCO trends and new productsThere are so many hip new products now that nobody had heard of before until they were marketed in an ecommerce environment. Physical locations rely on foot traffic and location which definitely shrinks reach. Forward-thinking merchants want to reach a bigger audience to compensate for a smaller target group, ecommerce offers endless opportunities to educate about a new product. ECommerce is proving to be the best channel for selling niche products. Actually, it might be even easier to cater to a more specific target customer group online – you have better targeting tools and traffic efforts can be really well-focused.

Your brand image plays a key role in determining your success as a niche marketer. The more credible and trustworthy you are, the more chances you have of making sales and commissions. Your brand image is not just what people are saying about it, it’s your labeling too. Which product would you buy? One with a label that is well designed, clean, and professional or one that looks like i t was created by a 4 year old with a box of crayons. That is a bit of a stretch, but in a crowded field of products you want yours to stand out. Nadco designs and creates professional labels for many niche products everyday. Give your product the chance it needs to survive.

So, what are you going to do to strengthen your brand image?