Personal Protective Equipment

Personal protective equipment (PPE) is a broad term that refers to the equipment used to reduce your risk of injury or illness caused by exposure to germs and dangerous working conditions. Different types of PPE are required across various industries, depending upon the unique risks posed on the job site. These include face and eye protection as well as hard hats for the construction industry.

There is currently an increased need for PPE, including masks, face shields, and goggles. These products cover the mouth, nose, and eyes in order to limit exposure to germs, chemicals, and more. To meet demands and keep up with technological advancements, many manufacturers have started experimenting with smart and connected PPE, as well as taking into consideration cost, comfort, and weight.

With many frontline workers and first responders lacking the necessary protection, NADCO’s specialty tapes and adhesives help supply the desperate need for PPE, while preventing contamination of the equipment and improving comfort.

Why is PPE Important?

personal protective equipmentPPE protects users from physical harm that could be caused by workplace hazards. For example, PPE helps prevent the spread of germs and bacteria in hospitals, protecting patients and healthcare providers from infection.

PPE is essential for staying healthy and safe on the job. Every year, there are approximately 2.4 million eye injuries in the United States, with many of the victims losing their eyesight to a certain extent. According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology, 90% of those injuries could have been prevented if the person had been wearing protective eyewear, like safety goggles.

The use of PPE—or the failure to use it—has far-reaching effects. In many cases, prolonged exposure to a specific chemical, material, or working condition will impact your body over time. You might feel fine from day to day, but that daily exposure will take its toll.

Adhesive Tape Solutions for PPE

A variety of adhesive tape solutions can be used to seal and insulate packages containing PPE to ensure the product stays clean and sterile before it’s used. Closed cell foam tapes are particularly useful in the medical industry to seal and pad items like face masks and splash guards. Foam tapes create an efficient seal that blocks bodily fluids as well as air and liquids that may contain infectious particles.

foam tapes

When used for face shields, foam tape enhances comfort by holding the face shield away from the face and offering a soft contact surface against the forehead. It also blocks air from coming over the top of the shield. In construction helmets, closed cell foam tapes provide extra cushioning for the user.

Choosing an Optimal Supplier with NADCO

NADCO provides a variety of adhesive solutions to our customers in the medical, automotive, aerospace, and other industries. With our 35,000 square-foot facility and years of experience, we’re able to manufacture a variety of high quality products, including foam, vinyl, safety, reflective, pressure-sensitive, tamper-evident, and anti-microbial tapes and labels.

When you partner with NADCO, you get:

  • Superior Custom Capabilities. Because we handle the designs in-house, we can work directly with you to create a custom solution that matches your unique needs.
  • Reduced Lead Times. With a full-service manufacturing line, we manage projects from start to finish. We don’t have to wait on parts from other companies, which boosts our accountability and allows us to work faster and more efficiently.
  • Consistent High Quality and Dedicated Service. Since we don’t have to bounce back and forth between vendors, we’re in control of the quality of our processes and products. This ensures that you will receive the same attentive service and high-quality custom products every time you place an order.

PPE Solutions from NADCO

Personal protective equipment is crucial to worker safety in a variety of environments, and using proper tapes and adhesives ensures protection, comfort, and lack of contamination. At NADCO, we offer a variety of specialty tapes and adhesives to suit the needs of various industries and applications. To learn more about our products and services, contact us today.